
Saturday, October 29, 2011

..What I Have Learned From the Kids..

What I learned from the kids:

We all learn something from children and sometimes what we learn can change our lives forever. 

It’s the simple things that count. They might just want to play toy cars, hide and seek, or throw a ball around or do something funny and that can be just as important, if not more important, as the expensive clothes, costly toys and gadgets. 
Nothing is sweeter than a spontaneous “I love you” from them.
They unceasingly say "I love you" and give you warm hugs and sweet kisses. They love unconditionally.
The best teachers of patience are children.
Making friends is the easiest thing in the world
They can find a friend easily. 
They don't reject anybody, unless the person is really annoying and/or boring. 
They don’t fake it.
When they want something, they really want something. If they don't get it, they get upset and cry. 
When they are happy they can laugh for half an hour continuously. When they are upset, they're really upset.
They don't fake it. 
They endlessly play.
-Oh my.. I really like this part. We like to play "tickle-tickle". We just love it. We love to burst into laughter. 
They have the capacity to play. I love their stamina. 
Learning is better is much, much better than anything else. They love to learn new things. 
They're embracing totally every new experience and they're silently learning. 
They integrate every new experience in their lives.
Often times, we think we are the teachers, but just as I discovered, we are indeed the learners. 

Mark 10:13-16

“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and 

blessed them.”

Monday, October 17, 2011

my 24th birthday

..I don’t know what to say.. (^-^) I’m uber happy today. My day started with a prayer. Ptra Rachel Lisondra and Ate Sweet went to our boarding house and prayed for me and my siblings. I had lunch together with my siblings. My office mates gave me gifts and cakes. (*_*)… My loved ones prayed for me. My friends greeted me. I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you LORD for everything ..(*_*)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

..Making It as a New Mom..

 I don't know what it is like to have just had a new born son or daughter. It must be defiantly an amazing feeling of hold the baby for the first time, and choosing name and things like that. 

I visited my friend today at the hospital where she has been confined. I was so eager to cuddle her baby and in fact I was a little bit sad when I got there this morning and found out that the baby was still in the Nursery room. I was more than excited to cuddle her baby. I waited until the "showing time" for the babies in the Nursery room. As much as I wanted to see her baby I couldn't do anything because it's one of the hospital's rules. They have schedules for loved-ones to look at their babies in the room. The baby will only be brought to the mother until she's done taking her prescribed medications after her CS operation. So I waited until 5pm to see the baby because I was late for the 11 AM to 12 Noon schedule. 

There she was lying on her bed when I came. I sat on a chair beside her bed. She was having her lunch in a soft diet.  My friend and I chatted. I was so eager to listen about her first delivery experience. As much as I wanted to share to you about her wonderful and unforgettable experience however I felt the need to keep it to myself and respect her privacy. Think of it this way: You have been carrying this fetus for nine months. It now weighs about six pounds or more, and your body needs to provide an opening large enough for this baby to slide through when the time comes for its permanent eviction. When your baby is ready to be born, your body gets to work, and it is so well designed for the task that you can set your self and ego aside and just let your body take over. What an awesome experience.

I don't have a wrist watch so I kept on looking at my mobile to check the time. The waiting felt like eternity. When the exact time came, I hurriedly went to the Nursery room. There he was.. my friend's handsome baby. He was so cute, so innocent and so dainty. I wanted to cuddle him and smell the sweet scent of a newborn baby. 

They say that it’s difficult to describe the emotions mothers feel when they hold their tiny bundles joy in their arms. Of course happiness and awe are common feelings, but other emotions often come into play—unexpected feelings that range from confusion to self-doubt to anxiety. This is God's gift. A very wonderful gift whom HE fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Well..well..well.. (^_^)
 ..I'm left here pondering what it's like to be a new MOm?..

 I thank GOd for the baby's life.. GOd created him..

Psalm 139: 13-16

13 For you created my inmost being; 
you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well. 
15 My frame was not hidden from you 
when I was made in the secret place, 
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; 
all the days ordained for me were written in your book 
before one of them came to be. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

wonderful siblings: Paul and Hannah.. (*_*)

wonderful siblings: Paul and Hanna.. (*_*)

- We used to misbehave by kicking each other's feet under the table. We used to fight when we were younger and call each other all sorts of names like: Paul-apple, Yeyi- Pakyi, Hannah PakHan.... hahaha...

--I'm not a perfect Ate... but when it comes to the important things in life both of them always stand hand in hand and have been always there for me..

GOD is "I AM".. HE IS ABLE able to mend broken hearts..HE IS ABLE to restore relationships.. HE IS ABLE to do mighty and greater things to those who know his NAME.

Psalm 91:14"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

..procrastination kills.. (x_x)

Yes, I did it.. But I was not faithful in following the intructions. I did not go on duty last March 24, 2001 to have my practicum . I thought It's okay to comply the requirements until the end of May. My bad! I didn't ask for clarrifications. I was too confident with my thoughts. I had been procrastinating about taking the practicum because I was too anxious and scared to do it. I allowed the negative thoughts to dwell in my mind.
"What will I do now?" I thought with dismay, slowly realizing the harsh reality of my predicament and its upsetting implications on my future.
I have to do it again. There are no room for regrets now.

As what my friend (Charmaine Acha) said:
..embrace the feeling but don't linger in the depths..
Mistakes are inevitable. None of us like it but it is just how things work out. Things that go wrong will be our doing, while other things that go wrong won’t be. I act like a scared person when I don’t feel like that inside. I want to be someone who isn’t scared of doing things. I must learn from my mistakes.. move on.. change for the better.. and get a life!

 2 Timothy 1:7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I DiD It!!

It is only by the grace of God that I am able to comply the requirements for IV Therapy Training:

Initiating Maintaining Peripheral IV Infusions, Administering Intravenous Drugs and Administering & Maintaining Blood and Blood Components! =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 sister's moment..

...Mama & Papa.. Thank u so much for your sacrifices....
We think of you-- The unconditional love you give us.....
The sweet and generous things you do for us.. We love you Papa & Mama..
...Mama.. without you, there would be no us..Your love, your attention, your guidance...have made us who we are...Without you, we would be lost, wandering aimlessly, without direction or purpose. You showed us the way to serve, to accomplish, to persevere. Without you, there would be an empty space we could never fill, no matter how we tried...We Love you mama...
We think of all the things you gave to us...
Sacrifice, devotion, love and tears,...
Your heart, your mind, your energy and soul--
All these you spent on us throughout the years...
...Thank you so much for everything Mama...
We love you...

...missin my mama so much...

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3

...i miss my mother so much.. T_T..
I can hardly see through my tears.. T_T
I have conversations with her in my head all the time and try to think about what she'd say about this or that...
So often, when I'm making a decision, I wish she was here so I could ask her advice....and so many times, when something happens that I know she would enjoy, I wish she was here to share it with's been a decade already since the last time we're together..she works outside the country to give us the best life...she sacrificed a lot for us... She's more than a mother to me; a reflection of God in her face I see, a love that knows no boundaries..
I had hurt her a lot and caused her much pain but still she forgave me, accepted me and called me as her "precious".

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to You when I was old enough to talk. For without You, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother you gave me..

My heart's desire is to be with her again..missin my mama so much... T_T

Friday, April 1, 2011

...waiting not in vain...

...There are days when I feel strong, resilient and focused. I see at times a window of progress. And yet there are times I feel impatient waiting for a breakthrough in my career. I wait. I watch. I wonder when, why, who and how?

...It takes a lot of strength to persevere and have patience to wait for GOD’s divine timing in my life. It’s not easy, though.

...There are voices without and within causing me to think that I am defeated, unworthy and forgotten. Yet I desire to grow in my patience and faith.

...Rest assured, that my waiting is not in vain. God is faithful. I may not see or understand God’s mysterious ways or divine delays. Yet I wait and depend on God for HIS strength and guidance.

…Thank God for HIS promises never fail:

...Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.

- Isaiah 40:31

...The Lord is good to those who wait for Him

- Jeremiah 3:25

...Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart

- Psalm 27:14

...Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

-Psalm 37:3

Friday, February 4, 2011

God's mercy is new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22,23 KJV.)

Some nights I crawl into bed convinced I must have used up all of God’s mercy that day.

I started working as a Nurse Preceptee in Vicente Gullas Memorial Medical Hospital since October 22, 2010 and at the same time I work in E-lamp as an online English Tutor to Koreans.

"Don't you get tired? That must be really stressful", they said.

I always thank God for His grace in my life. His grace is more than enough. He renews my strength everyday. There are days when I wake up in a "so-so mood" but I thank GOD because His mercy is new every morning. He is a merciful and gracious God. I wake up every morning and greet each new day knowing that His mercies are new everyday.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23

My Co-Nurse Preceptees (@ VGMMH)

We started working as Nurse Preceptees in Vicente Gullas Memorial Medical Hospital since October 22, 2010 and our contract ended last January 22, 2011. It was such a wonderful and unforgettable experience. We will renew our contract after one month. I am really looking forward to working with them again! (^_^)

Ate Charissa, Me, Co and ate April
Ate Cathy and Jay

Ate Agnes, Janice & Ma-an Antonio
Ma-an Amper, Em and Eleng
Ate Cathy, Carmel & I
Janice, Ma-an Antonio & Ma-an Amper
Carmela, Me, Ate Charissa & Ate April
Charge Nurse: Ms Elizabeth Ong, Kim and Ate Erna

Ma-an, Me, Eleng, Janice, Ma-an, Ate Irene & Ate Agnes

Sunday, January 9, 2011

..Straining Forward (my 1st post for 2011)

..forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead...- Philippians 3:13

A new year is upon us.. it leads to new beginnings.. new learning.. and ends the old ones..
..consider this: much more there is to life than living in the past...

In looking back for the past 23 years, it was not easy to see beyond my own pain and hurt. I have not been proud of all the choices I have made in the past. I have done silly and unwise decisions. I could never have imagined how many lives would be impacted by the choices I made.
I have hurt the ones I love now and then. I had regrets and was frustrated many times. But God has always been good. He provided people who never stop believing and seeing the best in me even when I was at my worst moments.

To those I have hurt:

I'm truly sorry for the things I have done. If you ever find it in your heart to forgive me, you must know, I NEVER meant to hurt you.

To everyone:

Thank you for being there to make me laugh, to scold me, to criticize me and to rebuke me. You all made me a better person.

I can't stop thanking God for my parents, my wonderful siblings & my relatives who never ceases to support and love me.

We all could live in the past, wishing we had done things differently. But Today is a new day.
It's time to forget what lies behind. I'll make the choice today to press forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for me as well as for you. Trust that He's working behind the scenes on my half. As I press forward, I will move forward, and will embrace the life of victory God has in store for me.

What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
--Extracting blood. (^_^)

What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
--IV insertion training
--NURSING a lot of patients. (*_*)
--ride more zip lines
--eat more cakes and chocolates
--meet new friends
--networking? ;)

What date/s from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

--April 8 > my Graduation day!
--July 3 & 4 > Phil. Nursing Licensure Examination
--August 28 > Oath Taking Day!
--September 28 > Registration Day for New Nurses
--October 2 > Thanksgiving Day (for passing the board)
--October 13 > my 23rd birthday (^_^)
--October 22 > 1st day of duty in Vicente Gullas Memorial Hospital ( Nurse Preceptee)
--November 10 > 1st day in E-lamp
--December 5 > I received my 1st Salary ever. ;)
--December 24 > I spent my Christmas eve at the hospital.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
--passed the NLE

What was your biggest failure?
--none so far..thank God!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
--I turned 23. (^_^) I celebrated my birthday at home with my family.

How did you spend your summer?
--I spent it at RA Gapuz Review Center. LOL

What were your worst months?
--February- March
(gulo-gulong buhay: I was busy complying all the requirements for Graduation Day.)

Do anything embarrassing?
--YES ;)

How would I rate this year?
--Definitely unforgettable! I met new friends. Learned from my unwise decisions.
There had been ups and downs..but by God's grace I stood firm and remained steadfast. I was never alone in my walk through life because walking next to me was HIM. Even though there had moments that I forsake Him.. He was still there to comfort me when I had no one to turn to. His love and grace are more than enough.

..."Changes are part of life. Instead of fighting it, embrace it. Sometimes, it can be the best thing that ever happened. Just breathe, and keep moving forward"...