
Sunday, April 3, 2011

...missin my mama so much...

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3

...i miss my mother so much.. T_T..
I can hardly see through my tears.. T_T
I have conversations with her in my head all the time and try to think about what she'd say about this or that...
So often, when I'm making a decision, I wish she was here so I could ask her advice....and so many times, when something happens that I know she would enjoy, I wish she was here to share it with's been a decade already since the last time we're together..she works outside the country to give us the best life...she sacrificed a lot for us... She's more than a mother to me; a reflection of God in her face I see, a love that knows no boundaries..
I had hurt her a lot and caused her much pain but still she forgave me, accepted me and called me as her "precious".

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to You when I was old enough to talk. For without You, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother you gave me..

My heart's desire is to be with her again..missin my mama so much... T_T

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